依高盛数据整理而成US stimulus and activity?The Senate votes on the fiscal package Monday at 3:00 pm. Assuming it passes, the House of Representatives is likely to vote later in the week. Congress plans to adjourn for the year December 17. Fiscal policy remains very important for the medium term USD outlook due to the building tension between stronger demand and potentially widening twin deficits. There will also be some focus on the Philly Fed and Empire surveys next week, which sent a very divergent message on US manufacturing activity last month. Also next week, there will be $24 worth of Fed-given liquidity courtesy of 4 POMOs on every day except ntral banks?Following the Fed’s resumption of QE in November, this week’s FOMC meeting will be quiet. Elsewhere, central banks meetings are taking place in Chile, Colombia, India, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. Both the CBC in Chile and the Riksbank in Sweden will hike by 25 bps, in line with consensus, reflecting a desire by these central banks to continue normalizing policy rates given relatively strong growth. Central banks in Colombia, India, Norway, and Switzerland will remain on hold, with the SNB especially important to watch given that EUR/CHF is close to its historic lows on the back of ongoing tensions in the Euro